
Love ItLove It

The moment of sunset is warm.

The moment of sunset is warm. Extinguishing rays in the dusk. Love all over the universe. Found memories over time. Silent tenderness in the trees. Circle of complete silence. The moment of sunset is elusive. The moment of sunset is fantastic.

Sunset … Every one is different, every one is unique …Inspiration and balance … Adoration, sadness …Every one carries a footprint of the day at which we stand. A sun burns in different colors … Beauty! Thoughts and dreams overwhelm the thought …Flowing colors – purple, emerald, pink airy …Or … memories make me stop the impatient arrows …And there is a fire in the sky … Very loud! A look at sunset I filled …In my thoughts I kept the light of the day …Ritual Nature fulfilled And there was silence …

© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved


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Written by lacho59