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Luna – Shot Offhand without a Tripod on autofocus

I had just bought a new Digital Camera and was eager to test out the zoom. This Image of the Moon was taken in November of 2016. This was shot Offhand without a Tripod on autofocus. It took several attempts to get a good shot.


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Written by woodywood143


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  1. That’s a good shot. I do hand held night photography and have some tricks for bracing the camera. One is a folded piece of bubble wrap that I place between the camera and whatever I’m jamming it against. Another is to use the auto timer because my finger on the shutter is a culprit. And of course I also take many and check them and take many more. (Ha, ha) I’m always leaning against stuff, sitting with the camera on my knee, bracing on the car (turn the engine off), etc…

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