Another sudden catch on my walking through the local nature surrounding. I thought that exotic insects like this one, exist only in distant places and other continents. That’s why I was more than surprised seeing a spider in a hole in the ground, wrapped in its web. Wonders never end in this magical village. 🙂
I agree with you – the more you are, the swollen golega
The world is really changing … we never know what we’ll see or meet
You’re right, Vidocka. I couldn’t imagine all that wealth in flora and fauna, while I was living in a city. 🙂
Yikes, a cool find from a distance.
A distance? I literally stuck my nose on its hole, in order to take a picture. 😀
I do not like spiders…….
I don’t mind them, but this one was really big. 😀
People have a real fear of spiders and snakes.
I know that, but I kind a like spiders and since there are some water snakes here, I am getting used to them. 🙂 Maybe I’m becoming ”nemushti”. 😀
Sorry for non-english.
Prije nekoliko dana sam sa društvom išao u ribolov. I pojavi se pauk u automobilu u vožnji. Vozač se automatski uplašio – ubij ga! Ne zbog sebe, nego tek dobio bebu i u njemu se pojavio iskonski strah od pauka, za svoju bebu koju često vozi tim autom.
Sasvim normalno i razumljivo. Kad je moja cerka bila beba, iznosila sam paukove, cim bi ih nasla, da se ne muvaju oko nje.
I see no waterspout…
That’s because the hole is in the ground……
Yes, but the waterspout is a critical component of the itsy bitsy spider
Oh, that…… Well, it’s quite different itsy bitsy spider. 🙂
You can see where the similarity in spelling confused me…
The scent of Patchouli and Sandalwood will follow him…
I couldn’t say….. Never thought about sniffing spiders. 🙂 I’m not afraid of spiders, but still….no. 😀
I’m sure you’ll meet a wizard disguised in the village.
Good point, my friend and not impossible at all. 😀 I need to pay better attention to recognize him. 😉
As a fellow magician, you can certainly recognize the smell.
I hope he smells good. 😀 For example, some herbal scent would be nice…. 😀
You can smell them with your tarot…