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When I was a Child in Trouble

When I was in trouble as a child and everyone knew why, my mother would start out the confrontation this way. (Yes, I heard it millions of times. I have it memorized.) “This is not an argument, this is not discussion, this is not a conversation. This is a lecture!) 

Sometimes when I get no feedback in my family on issues. I feel like I am giving a lecture instead of having a conversation. That makes me feel like I am in trouble all over again.Then I wonder when I write if it sounds like a lecture and there is no room for learning and discussion. That would make me sad.

Although sometimes informational is a lecture.

Can you tell that I am conflicted?  I am not even certain why I am talking about it, but I am feeling like a failure today. Conflicted.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. That is a great parent-child speech. But when we, as adults, dealing with other adults, feel that way it can be very hard to deal with.

    However, sadly, it happens all the time. I always tell people “Silence is tacit acceptance.” That always gets a response in my house!

    • There you go, my dear friends, what you all are saying is that you have all been hard-done-by life and dealing with it as best you can. But that just it, that is the whole thing you are each about, you dear friends are soo special, through that which you had to go through. Conflicted, (Ghostwriter) because this is her way, to deal with life thus, she forces each one of us to face the face in the mirror,

      Pamela reminds Ghostwriter that her writings stir up personal truth in each one who reads her revelations: “At least you are told why, I dislike conflict, as a child we had quite a lot of that, and I like a peaceful life.” Sure you did, it’s written in the lines of your comment on our pages, they all say: here goeth a gentle soul.

      Linda, says much of the same but inside those three exclamation marks !!! lies the real message, it says: “This is me, I AM LINDA, see me believe in me, and guess what, WE DO, Linda, very deeply, we do.

      So what do we glean from our shining Virilian mascot, Carol, well folks, it’s right there in her words, she metaphorically wears our hearts on her sleeve, It’s that heart of gold, and stardust shine that makes you beautiful to us.”
