THE LOVER OF GOODBYES was inspired by some line in one of Rumi’s quotes. Sometimes, people who are closest to our soul break our heart through disappointment or betrayal – experiences that are deeply painful it takes us a long while to recover. Time heals all wounds, they say. Maybe so. Yet, the scar will be always there to remind us of that moment.
Pain changes a person. It could strengthen or weaken a spirit. Absolutely, the choice lies in us. For some, that choice is learning how to keep their hand open even when someone is holding it. Loving freely without attachment. Loving for the sake of loving without expecting return. Expectation creates disappointment; disappointment causes hurt. To simply love is to take the high road – to be always ready to give freedom when such freedom is asked. What use is holding on if the soul is no longer there, anyway? Fight for love only when it requires fighting for and if someone is fighting beside you…if it is the other way around, learn to pick up the pieces, move on and become a LOVER OF GOODBYES.
The person who is able to understand, dive and embody the greatness of Rumi (Sufism, mystic or spirituality) as a lifestyle is a person who has the depth and also the vast window of wisdom, including in terms of love, sincerity and non-attachment.
Wonderful words, wonderful image, HarpingByAPixie
Thank you for your kind words…I should be thankful to the free photos on the net as it is now easy to manipulate the layout of my template.
Wonderful and truthful words!
Thank you Ellie! Happy first day of the month to you!
Thank you! Have a wonderful December! 🙂
I have a good friend who always says “I trust more the heart that has broken, for it has lived.”
As Rumi said, we need to keep breaking our hearts for the light to enter it…I suppose we have to make handy the duct tape lol!
Yup. Cardiac duct tape comes in 232 colors. I prefer azure blue…
Wow! 232! I never thought it could come in that many colors…guess, I will go for a rainbow if it is available. Lol!
Wow! That is so true, and wonderful words. It’s life. Yet, I think forgiveness is the key for us, not to excuse the hurt but to release yourself. Thanks, every word is true
Yes, I agree. Forgiving and forgetting is a way to release others and ourselves of karma. Thanks for the upvote!
Beautiful my friend. I learned that the older you get the easier it becomes to just shrug it off and move on.
True! But that is because we have gone through a lot of challenging phases in our life while we were young. Those stuff make us what we are today…and it is nice when we love the person we have become.
That is also true. Hehe so glad to see you here!! 😉
Lol, yeah…may take me a bit of time to adjust. There was only slight adjustment when I transferred from Niume to WordPress because the format is almost the same.
Waooo Nice Words Nice Post
Thank you Hamza! I have a Pakistani friend who has three sons and one of whom is named Hamza, the strong one.