11. Elurophobia
Did you know many people fear cats than dogs especially that cats are used by witches and sorcerers for evils purposes? Also as some people say, cats are mean.
12. Venustraphobia
Well, I kind of have this fear. There are people who have fear of beautiful women. Don’t ask, I don’t know why:)
13. Philematophobia
While it’s a gesture of love, some of us have a phobia of kissing. What might happen when I kiss them or they kiss me? Will they bite my lips? Will I faint at the touch of the kiss?
14. Porphyrophobia
If only users here like Carol, Kim, Lacho, Vidocka to name a few knew there are people who have a fear of the color purple.
15. Octophobia
Maybe if we could ask Doc if he could ask his mathematics friend on our behalf if he might know why some people fear the number 8. I’m curious why they fear this figure.
Some have really weird fears. I don’t know why anyone would be afraid of purple.
A kiss can transmit some germs…
Also, I saw that in a movie and I am not sure whether it is possible, but if onw person has eaten something, and they kiss someone who is allergic to said food, that can cause an allergic reaction.
Yes, it is possible. I’m not sure about that of allergic but I think it’s possible. It’s said our mouth contains a lot of bacteria both the good and bad ones. Unless they land on saliva though a virus can be passed when you kiss an infected person and you’ve a wound on your lips.
It seems that kisses are to be scared of then.
The fear of beautiful women is actually fear of rejection. Once you get over rejection because you will get rejected a lot, then you can talk to beautiful women with no issue.
I have thought about what you’ve said and you’re right. In my case it’s not because of being rejected.
I had read in a magazine a few years ago that to get over the fear of talking to beautiful women or the fear of talking to anyone in general is to say hello to five random people on a daily basis. It’s repetition of breaking out of your comfort zone.
I am not good at greeting people on the street whom I don’t know but will try out and see how it turns out. Thanks for the tip.
What makes it easier is to not expect any response or any positive response at all.
I have no fear of colors and I love purple. There are a lot of absurd phobias in this post.
Yes. Only a few people experience these strange phobias.
Again, I am surprised someone is afraid of the beautiful color purple. 🙂
Yes. I’m not sure why they fear that colour.
Great Those are various types of phobias that I didn’t know about before.
There are some phobias that are unknown to many since a few experience them.
In my house, my eldest daughter has many phobias, such as fear of dogs, cats, fear of injection, fear of ambulances, etc.
My goodness…it must be very emotional coming across all those things that she has phobia especially those she can’t avoid.
In the last few years, all of those phobias have decreased by one, now she isn’t afraid of cats anymore because now we have five cats at home! She has learned to adapt and overcome her fears well. Thanks to her younger sister. Else? Nope!
I do have a phobia of cat though 🙂
Ohhh…so you wouldn’t want to have a cat?
i sent your question to my pal! He is offline on most weekends (decompression time for him) but hopefully, he will get back to me tomorrow.
I love this series! I don’t like purple but I don’t fear it.
Thank you, Doc.
Somehow, I also don’t like the colour.
my friend teased me for asking. He said 8 has some meaning in numerology and often that is why people fear it.
those who fear 8 normally fear another number as well
Hahaha…Thanks for the feedback. Then it’s a serious fear to fear 8 then fear another number and maybe another one.
yes it is a serious fear, but not as big numbers of people wise as 13, 9 or 666
You revealed a secret about you (lol)
Lol, ain’t that strange I have such a phobia.