These are the indicators of my board. Something is not clear to me. Unpaid amounts must be $ 18.93. Before the update, I had 4.50 and last month I got 14.43. The board is seen as unpaid 8.07.
I have no 10.86 payout either in the board for this month. Nor do I have proceeds in paypal of such value from virily.
I do not understand where the $ 10.86 difference is lost.
© 2019-Elena Smilenova All Rights Reserved
They updated, but the payment Is getting ready. I would try checking again after you receive payment.
Well they would update April payment as yet
The previous month is April so you won’t get that money until May.
The other amount is what is currently projected to be paid. AliBb was the clearest answer and IMHO is the correct answer.
Basically, you probably didn’t get paid on April 30, right?
But you will around May 30th.
I have no payment. I’ll be waiting for 30 or 31 May. Then there will be a bigger sum.
That is correct. Sorry, it is confusing. I suspect if they updated the dashboard better, we would have fewer issues.
I hope you are having a better day!
I never receive any payment from the site and still working on it. I even thought that I will be receiving my first payment because I saw that I have $10.42 in my balance several days before the end of the month. But all of a sudden my balance became $9.89 which fall below the minimum. So, I need to work again to see if I can receive my first payment next month.
Am not familiar on how this site records earnings.
I think the amount is not sum up completely and in Process , In next two days you may see change in dashboard.
I don’t know the answer none of what is written on the dashboard makes sense to me.
Again, I can never answer this kind of question. Even after reading all the comments and reply. So sorry, dear friend. We only hope the admin gives the appropriate response.
Also my calculation is not quite correct, I just will not get deeper because I probably will not get the answer …
lacho59, I’m not sure I’m correct on this but a compare to my dashboard I realised something.
1) The unpaid $8.07 was from March and its unpaid because you didn’t make the $10 minimum.
2) $14.43 is your April earning which will be paid “next month”, on end May.
3) End May, you should get the $8.07+$14.43. (This is just me guessing)
I maybe wrong and you should ask the admin about it.
This is from the chart for March 2019 Balance 1960 $ 3.27
Hmm… that, I’m not sure …
I can only guess your $4.50 (you mentioned above) and the March 2019 Balance made the unpaid amount of $8.07.
But well, I can only guess… you still have to hear from the admins for the answer.
I will wait for this process to end
I trust someone (Admin? Support?) will answer your legitimate questions about your earnings. None of us are qualified to do that.
How do you think Carol? Will any of them answer me?
Your guess is as good as mine. Personally I have never had good luck with responses. But I have never emailed about earnings. So hopefully you will get an answer. Keep sending messages until you do get an answer.
Exactly, we all got different things.
I have the Last Month’s earnings and the rest is zero, for example.
I guess they’re still working on that.
April doesn’t appear on my unpaid earnings either.
I don’t know how you got that $8.07, the Virily dashboard very confusing.
Do you remember how much you had before the recent updates and payday?
I had about $8 until payday, where the March earnings ($6) were added and I received the payment. You either had about $4 and the March earnings ($4) were added, or there’s something wrong with your dashboard. ?
I do not know but I do not know what’s going on. Even after 24 years as a guarantor, I can not understand anything.
I couldn’t explain the $8 I had before the yesterday’s update and payment, as the ‘history’ below doesn’t show all the months.
That made me think the March earnings were already included, but they weren’t, and it showed up in the payment I got.
It might be that her total earnings are $8.07 and she’ll get paid that plus $14.43 at the end of this month, making a total of $22.50.
I read it once I posted the comment and noticed. ?
It’s hard to understand something when you don’t have all the data required. No problem. ?
Thanks! Actually, I have a poll that’s still pending.
And another poll I submitted right now. But it’s good to have something fresh after all these days. ?