There are a lot of new people joining Virily
How do you make Virils???
I thought this poster might be helpful. All the information is gathered from Virily’s FAQ page listed in the link below.
There are a lot of new people joining Virily
How do you make Virils???
I thought this poster might be helpful. All the information is gathered from Virily’s FAQ page listed in the link below.
Here you'll find all collections you've created before.
It is all very confusing as I am terribly new here. I guess it takes time and patience and things often change? Maybe. I don’t see a chat box for support any longer. Is that new?
Yes, it is confusing at first, they cant seem to put the rules down in one easy place. Join the facebook page run by Norman Darlington. There are often questions asked not found anywhere on the site. It has helped me, I ask a lot of questions there. lol. Things do change as they are brand new, not even a year old yet, and they are still trying to figure it all out. The chat box is on the bottom right hand corner, you will not see it when they are not working. Most of the admins take the weekend off, but there is someone there to read and put posts through. Anything you need just ask me, or Norman, he is a plethora of information.
Kim is for us here on the site as “Mother Teresa”. thank you
Awe, thank you Elenka, I do love to help people in need!
Thanks for this clear and useful information Kim!
I thought it might be helpful, thank you!
Thank you @Kim, this post helped me to clarify some of my doubts.
Thank you, and I am glad I could help.
Nice clear post filled with pertinent information! Thanks for doing this for us all, Kim 🙂
Thank you Norman, it was your idea really.
Great for all of us to know!
Thank you Michelle, I thought it might be helpful.
Great post, very good for new users to know and for the rest of us to remember!
True, I was always so confused. It has changed a tiny bit since I started, but this is the latest.
It would also be nice to know why it takes so long to moderate posts. I don’t think to wait 2 days to approve my posts is asking too much since I don’t plagiarize my postings (quizzes). They could be losing members operating this way. Maybe there should be a schedule as to when is the best time to submit posts.
If a post takes more than 24, check with admin. I ask,,hey,, whats up with this post of that post. Its been in moderation for more than the 24 hours.
This is an important post! I don’t even know how to withdraw the money to Paypal.
Alex can help with the paypal, and money questions. I have it set up to automatically go into my paypal, then automatically goes into my bank.
I think so. After I select PayPal, money will automatically go to the bank. But I have never seen that message from Virily or PayPal.
I wondered about the red words as well.
This explains things clearly.
Thank you Carol, much appreciated.
Yes Kim Nice Work Thanks for Sharing!
I just know how confusing it was when I started, so I thought this might be helpful.
Nice work Kim! May I ask what is written in red, as it is not clear to my eyes?
I was waiting for someone to ask. Some reason the whole thing is super fuzzy. I guess I should wear my glasses before I post…ugh.. Yes, it reads.
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Thank you Kim, appreciate it!!