
Brand On My Forehead

I was taking a class taught how people can be affected by what many may consider temporary and harmless slurs and statements. We learned that the victim often times wears the slur as if it had been branded on their forehead. Everyone that sees the “brand” and feelings the anger sees the victim as the problem because they are the one caring the brand. If reflects back on everyone they deal with.

So even in anger, stop and think. Is this really worth saying and branding someone for what could be a lifetime? I hadn’t ever really thought of the fact that what strangers see is the anger and hurt, not the cause. Now I understand how real it is all over again.

My goal is spend more time thinking before I make a statement. If I am going to brand someon I would think more thoughtful things would come out of my mouth.

It’s not over because the person with the branding iron forgot about it and is over it. It’s over when the process goes full circle and the brand is removed.

It is something to think about.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter