We broke record highs last week all over San Diego County, California, they closed schools even.
This is my cars instrument panel on the dash board. 3:20 pm and its still 111 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celcius). These temps lasted a week. This week it is cold, cloudy and rainy and 57 degrees (13 Celcius).
Well, finally got summer, in September. I lost October entirely, (calendar challenged), but, noticed the hut got cold, then snow, just to shake me back into ….reality? Glad its weather and not radioactivity…Antimatter grin.
Nothing like extreme temps huh? Sorry about October, did you miss candy too? That would be bad. It is supposed to snow in San Diego County.. well.. today actually, in the mountains.
Had to ask about candy, didn’t you? Well, they dressed so scary, came out of nowhere, (wait, I’m already…), to nowhere, sashayed to my door and yelled “trick or treat”. I knew I wasn’t interested in tricks so I took a treat. Then the screaming started, the police came and after 10 days, the judge explained I was supposed to GIVE treats. Still confused about the trick part though. Ha!
Yes, I ate ALL the candy, no I didn’t take any from children. “…no one here but fools and deer for a long, dirt dance of a haul”.
…I think the turkeys are going to have Fish for Thanksgiving. Going back to Tethys..>-=^;>
That’s crazy! The weather in Michigan is also unpredictable, and we already have to run the heat. Inside my house, it is only 40 degree, and I am wearing sweat pant and 2 shirt, a jacket and also have a blanket over me…LOL..I might just as well hibernate!
lol Icy, I dress like that if the temp goes under 70.
Wow, big difference! We are in the 50s right now too, but only 60s and 70s a week ago.
Seems more normal-ish. I think we might skip fall and go into winter. Well our winter that is. Cool 70’s..
Of course a big difference! Is this the first time happens, or is it generally so every year?
We usually get around 5 days a year we need air conditioning. It was just lumped all together this year. It’s normal Albert, or variations of normal.
What a crazy difference indeed!
No doubt, I was having to wet down with the hose all day, and stayed under a shade tree. it was just too hot to be inside. My cats were even panicking. Its like they were asking me to turn it down some.
Extreme Weather conditions. I know for a fact that when the weather report says, “Isolated Showers!” It means they don’t know. We get high humidity here.
True, that seems a catch all for, there are clouds, they have moisture in them. When I lived in Arkasas, they used to say scattered showers, and that meant youll drown if you go outside with the torrential downpours.
The weather is always like a roller coaster it seems. Cold and rainy today.
The clouds have been so dark and brooding looking. Another day of rain perhaps. I havent watched the weather though.
It was very warm at this time of year.
Yes it is! Too warm, but now I am freezing lol
Amazing. We as a planet need to fix ourselves and not put out too much of a carbon footprint. Go back to the Climate Control summit!
True, and our president is not helping..
That is a crazy difference! I really didn’t know you could get temps over 40º in CA at this time of years 😮
We don’t. We usually have just a handful of days that we actually need air conditioning. Most houses do not have it here. So if its hot, its hot inside as well.
The weather has been nuts up in NorCal too, enjoying the cool down though!
True, after last week, Whew. That was hot!