We shall talk about different things which are very common and probably on your mind. I know most of you, my friends know all these things and probably thinking about the same things.
But I think it’s time to write about certain common things which we should know.
By the way, as I said all these things are common and known to us but I believe that we find things like “Feeling great inside out” type of topics always attract us.
For instance, we all know that eating well is a great idea and we should eat a wide range of foods to ascertain that we’re getting proper amount of protein and vitamins but even then some of us forget it when it comes to eating food.
Here is a simple question? How many of you eat foods that contain enough protein and carbohydrates? Or how many of you know what food contains what you need?
Tell me about some good foods that one should eat to stay healthy!
When I think of healthy foods I immediately think of fruits and veggies. So I try to incorporate fruits and veggies into my daily diet.
I make sure I eat a variety of foods. Lots of vegetables and fruits. I avoid sugar and carbohydrates (I consume them as little as possible). I prefer white non-fat meat (chicken meat)
I am a vegetarian so find alternate sources for all my needs. Than you!
Well Mum always pushed that we eat our greens and usually out of the garden.
Sometimes my body tells, me, vegetable water from cooked vegetables is great for digestion. Especially potato water.
I believe in balance, something green, something orange or yellow or red which keeps cancer away, a type of carbohydrate potato or rice is better than bread and protein meat or vegetable that contains proteins.
I believe onions and garlic keeps colds and flus in check. Vitamin c from citrus,
Eat fruit and vegetables daily.
Same here but being vegetarian for a long time (15 years) I try to find my needs in alternative foods.
I also eat some vegetarian meals on occasion
I think sometimes it’s not that we “forget”, but we still crave for some unhealthy food.
Though I don’t calculate, I do try to eat those food that are considered healthy, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs everyday, so we might get a balance of the nutrients. I am trying to eat real food as much as possible, but we still consume processed or packaged food sometimes.
No doubt about going for junk sometimes but I always know my best options to stay fit!
Maybe my personal pictures are mostly about common topics.
It’s good to stay on personal choice, if you prefer common topics that’s most welcome!
It all depends on where you are from. Meat, trees and vegetables usually.
OOps… not trees! Greens.
Absolutely, but I am a meat eating cast although on vegetarian diet by choice for 15 years although nothing related to health.
Barley porridge with dates and honey is best and energetic in breakfast to stay healthy.
I agree but at the same time I think it’s not sufficient for a Punjabi of 6’1″