
These Two Tattoos May Help The Mind Feel at Peace

I do not have any tattoos on my body, however, I have found out that there are many tattoos that can be good for the mind and body.

Laurie is a friend of mine and she added two more tattoos to her blanket of love. i call all her tattoos her blanket of love because after one of her loved ones died she found that her tattoos can help with the grieving process.

The first one she told me was for me.  It says “Where there is HOPE, there will be FAITH. Where there is faith, Miracles Happen.” 

Wings to Fly

This tattoo is all about stepping out in faith and flying to many new experiences without fear. That is how I feel about this tattoo.

I wish my dear friend all the best where she lives now. She told me not to say goodbye, but to say see ya. I got all chocked up! I treasure our friendship.


Image Credit-LaJenna


What do you think?

Written by LaJenna