
Why Friendship is more important than Marriage

Marriage is part of the solution to loneliness. Friendship is vital in marriage and is a crucial part of the solution. In respect, friendship is more important than marriage. Marriage is temporary; friendship is eternal. Friendship multiplies joy and divides sorrow. The Bible is very realistic. We need good partnerships today. There are good reasons why Jesus sent his disciples out two by two. Ministry can be very lonely. Going out in pairs can make all the difference. This is how some of the greatest friendships are formed.

Ask God to rise up good partnerships in our society. The lord may provide many like Moses and Aaron, who can complement one another and see great achievement through them.

  • Question of

    Why should we guard our friendships?

    • Because it is a command from God
    • Because good friends come and go
    • Because from the beginning of the church we see examples of friends working together in partnership
  • Question of

    Why were there divisions in the early church over doctrines and personal relationships?

    • Because calling is divine; but the relationships are human
    • Because people did not understand each other well
    • Because they lacked knowledge on the difference between the two
  • Question of

    According to the bible, why did Paul and Barnabas separate themselves?

    • Because they were not from the same religion
    • Because it was in the providence of God for it to happen
    • Because they hated each other
  • Question of

    Why do sometimes Christian partnership struggle and fail?

    • Because it is the will of God for them to break
    • Due to lack of sincere friendship
    • So that God can bring hope into such situations
  • Question of

    Why shouldn’t God’s providence be used as an excuse for Christian quarreling?

    • We should always do our best to resolve our differences and avoid such painful parting
    • Christians should not quarrel at all
    • Quarreling distort the very confession of Christianity
  • Question of

    Why should we always seek reconciliation whenever there is friendship fallout?

    • So that we can please the offended party
    • Because forgiveness is not an occasion act; it is a permanent attitude
    • Because so that we can remain bonded together
  • Question of

    Why should your loyalty be a reflection of God’s loyalty to you?

    • Because even if you remain disloyal, God remains faithful
    • Because it is a commandment from God
    • Because you were called to love, unity and loyalty
  • Question of

    Why nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord?

    • God’s love for us is beyond measure
    • Because God has a commitment and loyalty to us
    • This is a motivation for us to love God


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