
The workout: The Cookie 100

I went for the bare minimum mileage during this workout because I did not want to be out in the heat for long. All I needed to run was 3 miles, but prior to this weekend it dawned on me that I could go either 4 or 5 miles. Luckily, Fullerton Woods trailhead along Des Plaines River trail has a very good amount of shade in the parking lot that kept my vehicle cool. My turnaround point

The Cookie 100 badge obtained during this workout which required 100 minutes of activity. Enroute back to the trailhead I made it my sole purpose to be active for 32 minutes with this run which was all I needed to get this badge. On top of getting the badge, I will also receive a cookie-clad neck gaiter that I will enjoy wearing while either biking or running. 

With two more days left in the August Running Challenge, I am sitting at 56.73 miles with only 5.40 to go in order to reach 62.13. Oh yeah baby!

Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman 

#strava #thomasgouard #runner #cookie #foodie #fullertonwoods #desplainesriver #august #run #google #blacklivesmatter #chicagoland #chicago


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Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!


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