<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pixabay.com/en/car-communication-talk-self-talk-3100980/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pixabay.com/en/car-communication-talk-self-talk-3100980/</a>
This reminds of a great quote by Pearl Bailey. ““You never find yourself until you face the truth.”
I am not sure when that point happens or even if it happens in every person’s life. My truth came when I could look in the mirror and forgive myself of past mistakes and committed to being a better person every day. I actually do this every single day. Because truth can change as we learn and grow. Remember that once we really did believe the world was flat.
There comes a time we must all face ourselves and the mistakes we made and find the strength to forgive ourselves!
I feel everyone needs to face the truth, and then move on with courage.
I really enjoyed this post since it is an eye opener.