There was a time when people were using slingshot for hunting purpose especially for birds hunting before Airgun was introduced. Even I have used it as well but in my childhood. I have noticed some people were really experts in it but today i am going to share video of a Chinese youngster with you that has some outstanding slingshot skill.
Check out video : Impressive Slingshot Skills
I am sorry I am facing embed problem and that is the reason I could not attach the video. Looking forward to your comments on this. Thank you
Very interesting post. I remember that from my young age.
wow , have you ever used Slingshot ?
That is pretty impressive. I couldn’t do it.
Do you have slingshot….. ?
Waiting for your answer on this ?
that is impressive!
i still have a slingshot and use it to this day!
I am planning to have slingshot and go somewhere for hunting after 20th December
i have one I use for fishing – it is hard but I am getting better!
that;s lovely , well i have used it for bird hunting , even planning to go for hunt this month after 20th december
It is a lot of fun. I haven’t caught anything yet. but it is fun to try!
You brought back memoreis. My brothers and his friends had fun with this.
I was very good in hunting using slingshot. what about your brothers ?
They were naughty. They would bring down mangoes belonging to neighbours.
Hahahah , that sound pretty naughty
I also used during childhoods
Yeah , I think in Sabary sar or somewhere Daam Showan
Very impressive, with practice some could do well with a slingshot.
Yeah , this guy is really genius and great slingshot skills