I wanted to share an updated collage of Eli….including his first day of pre-school photo (the last in the collage).
His first week at Head Start/Pre-School went well.
His dad and I stayed his full first day with him…to see what goes on and to make him feel more comfortable. I wish I had taken some photos of him playing and stuff during the day.
The next three days we didn’t stay the whole day with him, but he got through the 3.5 hours without us. Today (Friday) he didn’t want us to leave and got a little emotional. However, we were able to go finally and were told that he did just fine.
I’m glad his first week of school went as well as it did. I was afraid he’d throw a tantrum on the first day we didn’t stay with him. But he’s done great!
I have been away for most of the week (besides checking in and commenting on a few posts) so I wonder how has everyone’s week been? I hope great!
Until the next one….have a great day!
What a delightful collage. Love it.
Thank you for sharing the images of Eli. His time in school will be fun since it will his journey into learning what he is good at and be successful.
Well thank you for your comment! 🙂 Yes and he is just at the beginning!
I am sharing my experiences going to school in the former Canal Zone and in Louisiana..
He did a great job and so did you.
Thank you very much!! 🙂
Hold onto this sweetheart, he will be graduating high school before you know it lol. I always love looking at pictures of him.
Oh my, I know….that’s 13 years away, but it will fly by! Thank you, I am always glad to share them 🙂
Great collage …. He looks very happy
Thank you very much 🙂
You can be proud of Ellie. He’s a little hero. I am very glad for this success.The pictures in the collage are great.
Thank you very much! And I am proud of him for sure 🙂
They are lovely photos of him. He looks such a happy little boy, bless him.
Thank you very much, and he is very happy….most of the time anyways!
I am so proud of both Eli and you. I know how hard it is to let them go for a day on their own. He sounds like he is adjusting great. Love this collage. I made one of Dustin, actually many of Dustin over the years. I plan to get them printed. If you ever decide to get photos printed let me know, I have a great inexpensive dependable site you can order online.
… I don’t have a site but I can recommend one.
Thank you, and it wasn’t too difficult leaving him at head start…it’ll be harder when he’s going to school for a full day! Some days it’s hard for him to watch us leave him there it seems though. Thank you, and it’s always fun to make collages of them…I’ve made quite a few already too! And thanks, that’d always be great. Normally I just use Wal-mart, but if there is a better option then that’s great!
Yes it will be but this maybe will get you gradually used to it.
I love adoramapix.com never been disappointed at all.
Yeah, hopefully it will!
And thank you, I’ll check it out 🙂