Well, today I bring you another item that my mother-in;law owned. Not sure if we will sell it or keep it for ourselves. I really like this item. I found one close to the one we have from her. See if you think the worth would be the same. This picture of the Marshal Pottery if the one given to us.
This one is: Marshall Pottery that is similar
Look and tell me if you think the value would be about the same. It says the similar one is worth about $99.00, Look at the link above!
Many things have already been given to a certain charity of some kind. I am not sure which charity, but which ever one it is, they will be fortunate to receive them.
This has to be hard for them to part with things from long ago. Change must be hard when having to go through old treasures. I know I would not want to part with any of them.
Would you have a hard time giving away your things, when you have to change your living residency? I pray things go well for my in-laws.
I put this in the food and drink category, because I was not sure which one to put it in.
There are some items that my relatives have that are to give away like a small train image which is from the Panama Canal Railroad.
Thank you Deepizzaguy for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Maybe keep the train image!
My pleasure to praise you. The train image is a tribute to late dad who worked with the Panama Canal Railroad.
We keep things. They remind us of our roots. But I’m not sure if they’ll be kept by the generations after us or they’ll be dumped. There are many such incidents here. In my opinion charity in such situations is the better option.
Thank you lacho59 for sharing your thoughts
Often we are overwhelmed with so many things we no longer use, and giving them as charity is a good and rewarding way.
Yes giving things to charities can make for the rewarding feeling to come upon us.
That is one way to make our lives meaningful, right?
Yes Albert this act can and does help lives feel more meaningful.
Thank you tasartcraft for visiting.
Well I think I am going to keep this item.
I do not like to sell things that were left to me by my parents. I keep things from my grandfather and grandmother, but of course, everyone has a position on this issue.
Thank you! Many things they want to give to a favorite charity.
It is nice to have one. It would be useful, too.
Thank you Shakat for commenting.
You are very welcome, my dear.
Interesting. What type of story is attached to this.
The link is just about an ebay product that is almost identical, so i was wondering if the one I posted about was as valuable.
Shared on fakebook. Those into collecting art might just find this to be a helpful resource.
It is not easy to decide what to keep and what to give away. If it has a special meaning you may want to keep it but in any event hopefully it goes to someone who needs and cares for it.
Thank you Gloridaze for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for your thoughts
I have had to make these decisions and it is a tough call.