If you have a Facebook account then might have noticed how they recap your previous years on this date type of thing. This one came up in my feed today and I thought I would share some more of the peaceful gatherings for the protection of our water in the US.
The NO Dapl movement to stop the pipeline in North Dakota. Since many of us could not make it to North Dakota for the Standing Rock movement there were places all over the USA to go and bring awareness to this problem that was being kept out of the news. Facebook was instrumental in getting the word out. As were these gatherings.
NOTE: I rarely make a post over one page long, but this post will be long, click on the other pages.
Here are the folks that gathered in Temecula California a town just north of San Diego.

Even though we lost this battle we made history. Most of the Natives world wide joined in. This is the first time in history this has ever been accomplished.
My artist friend in Arizona made this design for T-shirts and Hoodies.

The photo below shows a small pipeline spill in Arkansas in 2016. It was left to leak for months…

More of the rally in Temecula.

And more.

Everyone made signs, here are mine. The black snake represents the black oil of the pipeline.

I made several for people to use if they did not bring one. MNI Wiconi means Water is Life. The rivers are polluted with broken pipelines.. The curl of the black snake shows what happens to the earth from oil. Oil should be left in the earth, there are other power alternatives. Like the sun, wind and water.

So many people showed up.

So many…

Nothing I can say, I was very touched with the outcome.

So many smiling faces. We all stayed positive even knowing what was going on in North Dakota where the movement there was met by hired police and attack dogs sicked on the gatherers.

It was a gorgeous day…

We lined the roads around the park with signs, and got really great feedback from the passing traffic with honks and praises, some people even stopped, parked and joined in.

Many people made extras signs for those who didn’t have any, we put them up on the fence.

More signs.

I mentioned many natives joined in, not only native Americans.
I had Meika (my wolfdog) at my side and Meika was dancing trying to get to this lady to be petted, as you can see she is laughing at her antics.

Many people believe in a higher being, my it be God, Buddha or even many Gods, you have to admit in the picture below looked heavenly, and I was stunned. This is straight out of the camera.

And do you know how rare a sun dog is? A sun dog is a very rare weather phenomenon. And this happened and I got proof below that sun dogs do exist. Smiles..

I was walking through the crowd saying A sun dog, A SUN DOG!! The people were pointing and cheering.

It was a great day.. I hope you enjoyed this very long post. Thank you for checking out the pictures!
MNI WICONI ~~~ Water is LIFE.

I like to believe our prayers for a clean earth that future generations can enjoy were heard, this was my ride home.

Thanks for all you are doing, Kim!
Good for you. Even if you didn’t to win, you all made a statement. Great post, and all on one page!