Socrates, considered one of the most brilliant minds would say he knew nothing.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
People who see the world and assume they don’t know very much about what is happening, make themselves available for knowledge. They don’t immediately think that what they know is true or complete.
Stupid people are certain. That is why they are stupid. If they think the sun is shining they get wet by the rain.
When dealing with history, if you weren’t physically there, then all you know is what you have been told. And often you are told by those who have a ‘get’.
For example, I wrote an article in which I mentioned an American actor who absolutely believed that a ‘Moor’ was a synonym for ‘Negro’. When I tried to explain to him who they were, he slapped it aside.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
He is unaware that in the West Indies, numerous organisations existed to redeem the captives taken by the Moors. In Jamaica, 1 Duke Street was owned by ‘Women’s Self Help’ an institution created to teach the women who were redeemed from the Moors useful crafts.
These women who were slaves where white women. White women who travelling to or from Europe, were on a ship captured by Moors, taken into slavery and stayed in slavery unless a ransom was paid. That this institution in Jamaica is just one of numerous such organisations that existed throughout the Caribbean is a flag that there were many women, (and men) who were enslaved by the Moors.
In Always Follow the Money I confirmed the power of the Moors by checking Lloyd’s of London, the first Insurance company. In one seven year period they paid out on nearly 500 claims of ships that had been captured by the Moors.
The information I have is not really hidden, it is just not front page, because there is a vested interest in creating the myth that Africans were weak, pitiful and easily captured and conquered. This myth makes European nations feel powerful.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
As most people don’t know real history, they just know what was in the approved text book or what was on Television last night, they believe what they are told without examination.
They are told, they believe it, and never stop for one moment to think…is this the full truth?
very nice amazing post awesome