
Be Careful Who You Save

Superman never told you. Neither did Batman or Spider-Man or the Flash or Doctor Strange or any other hero – super or otherwise.

But, be careful who you save.

I just got a message from a friend who has always tried to be there for his friends and, in return, he ends up getting evicted – him and his mother.

A dopehead couple he took in just would not stop fighting about their drugs and another broke into a neighbor’s house and stole a bunch of things and, it was all connected back to him because he allows himself to be seen in public associating with them.

The dopehead crowd relies upon gullibility and naivete, in order to continue parasitically feeding upon others.

Fortunately, some of us can and do make it out of the drug scene and, in making our own escape, it’s very common to have to leave just about everyone you know behind.

For those with soft hearts, though, consider this:  To let a drug addict (of any kind this includes alcohol) hit rock bottom hard and fast, in order to let them hear the wake-up call, is the greatest act of love you can show them.

So, be careful who you save. Sometimes, those cries for help are nothing more than bait to trap the easily-mislead.


What do you think?

Written by DonaldPennington


  1. Funny I just wrote this on another of your posts….. “To let a drug addict (of any kind this includes alcohol) hit rock bottom hard and fast, in order to let them hear the wake-up call, is the greatest act of love you can show them.”

  2. You may be the only one who reads those tags! This is good advice you give. Sometimes we have to use tough love and let people hoist themselves on their own petard. It is sad, but true.
