I am a few days behind on the photo challenge. I will catch up soon. At a bathroom stop on my trip, I saw this cabinet full of unique items. These two items were so cool. When I first saw them, both on a shelf in a store behind locked glass doors, I thought of Alex. I know he can make art like this. It just looked like his style. Don’t you agree? Anyway, I thought they were both cool. You never know what you might see when you stop for a bathroom break out on a road trip. I keep my camera with me all the time. This first one was really cool. I guess you could sit it on your desk or wherever you want.
They had several designs but this next one was also cool and unique in my opinion. Another Alex design perhaps. I was using my phone camera so the angle was the best to get a good view of this one. When I saw the price tag on this one I understood why it was behind locked glass. Crazy.

I am glad to be back home. I know I am behind on everyone’s posts. I will catch up eventually. I am not ignoring any of you. As time permits I will visit with you. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
365 Photos Challenge Day 255
Thanks, I agree with you.
Thanks for saying that! 🙂
Thank you very much.
I think you Robin for the visit.
Thank you for finding this cool find. Just awesome!
Thank you for the visit and comment, it was too cool!
There is something about a bodiless suit of armor 🙂 Very cool pictures!
It was cool to see and there were tons more.
Yeah, Alex art!!
I think this term will be a new “trendy term” in Virily!!
Alex started an art trend/style.
LOL, just kidding.
Both items are really interesting!
I agree. Thanks for visiting.
Haaaa… I’ve even lagged far far far behind on the photo challenge!
Well! Both are really cool stuff!
Same here Albert. I thought these were cool. Good to see you.
Good to see you too, Carol. Seems that you have so many cool stuff there!
There was a lot to look at for sure.
Carol you are so right these are definitely Alex’s style. We are sure to see a lot more with his talent. Thank you for posting such cool stuff!!
Thank you for visiting Bradley. I thought it was so cool.
Yes, I would have had to take photos of them myself. Very different and interesting.
Thanks Brenda and good to see you.
I’ve been away for most of the week, so I didn’t know you had a trip. Great finds though! I’ll have to catch up with your posts too!
Yes I did for a few days. These were so cool I thought.
You’re great, you always think about others. Alex must be flattered that you think of his ideas.
Aww, I also think of you and always wonder how you are! Alex knows he is a great artist. He has particular style. Again, so good to see you.
Very interesting subject. It really reminds you of Alex.
I immediately thought of Alex. ISn’t it funny how we get (kind of sort of) familiar with our “friends” on here and seem to recognize their style.