
Love ItLove It

Sweet Colors ~ Day 130

I remember making Dustin’s Easter basket every year. Mom was the “Easter bunny”. He believed, like all other kids there was an actual Easter bunny that visited and left an Easter basket full of candy on Easter morning. The colorful peanut M&M’s were a favorite of his, and is now my favorite. Many memories to reminiscence about. Wishing you all a great day and weekend.


I am continuing with the 365 Photos Challenge and I am now on Day 130.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Happy Easter, Carol! I was Easter bunny this morning, hiding eggs in the garden, and to be honest I was dreading it, as it’s the first time we’ve done this with our depleted family (Last year Easter didn’t happen at all for us, as it was right after Josh left us.). In the event it was okay, and Josh was remembered in the shape of a couple of pink chocolate piggies, always his favourite animal. I love M&Ms 🙂

    • Good for you Norman, sounds like you are enjoying and substituting, and making new traditions. That is the journey. Happy Easter to you as well.

  2. Thank you for sharing more sweet memories…m&m’s are good…I love the peanut butter ones! I love this photo, it’s so colorful!
    Hope you have a great weekend too & Easter!
