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Little Acorns Often Grow Up: Just for Fun Challenge

Every autumn I can look across the street and see a huge oak tree. It’s probably the most special oak tree in my life right now, and I have a lot of favorite oak trees. If I walk across the street during fall, I have to be careful not to step on one of these acorn children of the oak and fall myself. If you step on acorns, they can roll.

These little acorns came from this mother oak tree across the street. If they sprout and become trees, they will look a lot like their mother.

Mature Oak Tree

These little acorns will, of course, grow into huge oak  trees if given the right conditions. They would need to land in soil and it would need to  rain enough to keep the ground wet enough for these acorns to sprout. On my land in Templeton, and all around my neighborhood here in Paso Robles, little acorns have turned into trees every year. In fact, so many of them become trees that we have to pull them like weeds when they don’t have enough room to grow without causing problems.

Here is a view of the mother tree from a different angle, taken in spring, when it is beginning to leaf out.

Oak Tree Leafing out in Spring

Below you see a child of this oak that grew from an acorn and somehow landed in my backyard rose garden.

Oak Seedling Growing in Rose Garden as Weed

I never cease to marvel that something so small as an acorn can become as large as its oak tree mother. Only God can make an oak that makes acorns that make more oaks. Below you see it at sundown, bare, in January.

Bare Oak In January at Sundown

I took all the photos. © B. Radisavljevic, all rights reserved.

See details for this April challenge on trees. #justforfun7


What do you think?


    • When you live across the street from a mature oak, you see a lot of little ones, usually in your flower beds. I just found one last night next to my birch tree sticking out over the tops of the tall grasses I haven’t cut yet. It’s almost a yard high. I’ll need to remove it while I still can.

  1. It does not look like our conception. This is how life is maintained through seeds. Small acorns perform this function for large oak trees.

    • I think Virily ate my first reply so I’m trying again. Little acorns have great potential. I think that’s the point of the saying you quoted. I almost used it as my title. We all have great potential, no matter our station in life. A small idea can also become a great invention.
