
Love ItLove It

Haiku Poetry 10 Day Challenge #7: Choice of Attention

Whichever is more

more care for pain or learning

for suffer or growth.

Of all humans on earth, who can determine or compare who is most suffering or happiest?

If people complain about their suffering, then there will be plenty of comparators to say that there are many people who more suffer than them and vice versa with joy. Or as many people say, you are not alone.

The real interesting thing is that the reality, either suffering or being happy, really depends on the dominance of the attention we give to our feelings; hurt or learn from experience. The fruit of that choice is suffering or continuing maturity.

Illustration by Albert Herdie  – Digital painting from part of Deep Within series Dark and Light.


What do you think?

12 Points


  1. Absolutely correct as always. Everything in our lives depends on our reactions, or non-reactions and our attitude. All about attitude. Great inspirational words.
