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Cardinals on my Deck ~ JFF Fauna

I love to see the stunning bright red cardinals visit my deck. I have not always had them as visitors. My Dad always did. He called them redbirds. We would talk every day on the phone about birds. I had bluebirds and he did not. He would always tell me he would trade a cardinal for a bluebird. I sure miss those talks. Good memories. So now every time I see a cardinal of course I think of my Dad. I did not start seeing them until after he passed. Things that make you go hmmm.

These photos were taken around 5:pm. The sun was not in the right place to highlight the stunning color of these cardinals. I will take more later and show you the difference.

You should join Kim’s August challenge. Here are the details: Flora and Fauna.

©CarolDM2018 All photos

#1 Male Cardinal

I sprinkled a few sunflower seeds on the deck and the cardinals showed up. This is a male. The sunlight did not do the photo justice. He is a stunning bright red color.

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#2 Check out the seed…

The cardinals will take a sunflower seed in its mouth, somehow get the shell off and spit it out. Sounds disgusting perhaps to you but I think it is amazing. And I caught the seed falling out of his mouth.

  1. Again with the reply button.. Anyway, I know you will see this.
    Don’t you just love those surprises. The one I took with Meika over the creek was like that. In a lot of those I was just taking pictures of the scenery, I had no idea she was in them until I got home. : ) Loved these, this one especially.

    • Yes! This is why I take several photos because you never know what the camera will catch. It is always fun to see the photos when uploaded.

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#3 Female Cardinal in the snow

This photo was taken early in the year during a rare snowfall. I keep a feeder out even when it snows. I wanted to show the difference in the male and female. She is a softer brown color but you can see her red beak if you look closely. Still not a great photo to show off their beauty. She also has a seed in her mouth.

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What do you think?

20 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Beautiful birds that are fairly common in my neck of the woods except not so much in our winter (which is going strong by the way even in March). But I know they will show up again soon. Great photographic feat of gorgeous birds.

  2. Interesting I have a question Carol. How did that song come into your head?
    I have never heard of it, sounds country.
    Alex, I have had heard of the song you are referring to. They sang sweet songs of melodies pure and true, right mon? ~~

    • It was funny Kim. After reading his comment, I instantly remember this song and it is something about the way Timberlake says I’ve tried Jack I’ve tried Jim, (was not thinking of alcohol) but his style of singing is too cool in this song. It reminded of Alex saying she’s got blue, she’s got red. Funny how I think of songs a lot when I hear others talk or read. I am connected to music probably because it is so therapeutic. You should listen to the song sometime. It is a country drinking song but the video is what you need to see. I love Stapleton’s voice. Here is the link. They were live in Nashville on the CMA awards a few years ago 2015 I think..
