This bird feeder was a gift from last year. There is not much room for food in the tray but is makes a great decoration in my tulip poplar tree. I will write more about this beautiful tree later. Enjoying the beauty on this sunshine but hot day. Be thankful for the little things. Look around you. You will see them. Savor those moments. Tell those you love how much they are appreciated.

365 Photos Challenge Day 178
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. ~Henri J.M. Nouwen
Gorgeous bird feeder. That was a great gift for you and your birds. I wish I could do the same…
It’s very pretty! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for visiting. 🙂
A great combination has gotten with nature around.
Thank you so much Elenka, good to see you.
I have to say I have never seen bird feeders around here! It’s a nice idea, and a nice bird feeder, by the way! 🙂
Where are you if I may ask? We have tons all over here in the US.
I’m in Spain, and yes, they aren’t very common here. Well, at least in my city.
You will have to read and see them in my posts.
A very worthy beauty to share!
Well thank you sir Albert. I love my birds.
As always, Carol, you are welcome…
What a beautiful bird feeder, very lovely.
Thanks it was a special gift.
That’s one of the prettiest bird feeders I’ve ever seen. I loved your quote from Henri J.M. Nouwen, too. I love his books.
Thanks, I like it as well. Doc Anderson (fellow Virily friend) recommended him to me and I cannot stop reading his books and quotes.
I was introduced to him in the seventies when I worked in a Logos bookstore near UCLA. We carried all his books, and I got to read quite a few of them as an employee benefit. We could take books home to read because it made us better at selling them if we’d read them. Then we returned them I actually do own one of his books I found used. I’m glad he’s still being read after so many years, since usually those classic voices get hushed by newer ones.
Wow that sounds like a great experience. I had never heard of him.
I love bird feeders of all kinds. m=Makes it feel like a bird doll house lol.
I do too, they are all unique, thanks!
lovely bird feeder….
Thank you Branka. 🙂
I was replying to a comment and now it is gone.
It’s definitely a gorgeous decoration for your garden!
Thanks Ellie, I have to agree.
Funny how the birds will land on it even with no food.
Maybe they also appreciate its beauty. 🙂
What a wonderful feeder! My grandfather used to have them all over his yard in Wisconsin. My job was to keep the squirrels out of the bird feeders.
Yes the squirrels were always a pain for my Dad. I love this feeder.
It is quite lovely! I love watching birds in flight, but watching them land is fun as well!
They are a challenge to photograph but I am up to that challenge.
I am better at birds on the ground than in the air. I think my brain shutter speed is way slower than the birds are naturally.