
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 211, the thumb free streak is over :-(

One for the thumb. I believe that was the mantra originally of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team in the 70/s and then the Lakers of Magic Johnson later on. I had on my 100th day of the photo challenge shar3ed a picture of my right thumb. This time it is of my left thumb. Thumb free no more, as sadly I have once again shared a thumb picture. Of course, now we can open the decision bag of jokes! Under the thumb being the first one. What is under the thumb? For the most part air. Perhaps instead this is in preparation to celebrate the literary Genius of Douglas Adams, or that of Tom Robbins. Yes, even cowgirls get the blues. And if you re a hitchhiker, a guide to the galaxy would be very useful.


Is it simply a joke.

I leave it to you to decide.

Anyone can join the photo challenge. In fact, your first, and second picture can be of your thumbs, or your big toes, or your arms.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!