
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 194 (shoes as seen from space!)

Marriage sometimes is a story of opposites, of differences and conversations. I began my career as a school teacher. Every day I wore dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie to work (I had a sports jacket on the chair of my desk in the classroom for those times I needed a jacket). By nature, I am somewhat color limited. By that I mean I am not the person you go to to ask: do these colors go together, Based on that inability I wore blue or white dress shirts to work. I continued that tradition long after I left teaching. My wife, on the other hand, wears colors. She is more vibrant than I am at times. She is always more vibrant than I am when it comes to shoes.

I wear shoes that are roughly one of two colors (black or brown).

My wife wears shoes that NASA can see from space.

Like the ones in this picture.

Anyone can join the photo challenge; you don’t have to have a partner that wears loud shoes! Just snap a picture and share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It seems that you are less interested in fashion, and unified color match. But I see you have quality in understanding and adapting. When I am much younger, I may be like your wife in a fashion that can also be seen from outer space.
