
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 174

One of the things my father gave me many years ago now was his old Principal Desk. It is a huge desk that has been my primary home workstation now for more than 20 years. My father gave me the desk when we lived on Schaffer in Western Hills, Cincinnati Ohio as a gift when we bought our first house. That desk has moved with me ever since. The surface of the desk is now covered in various technologies and things I use all the time. But under the desk is the coveted hiding place. It is the cave of dogs. For the most part Dylan and Tamsyn fight over who is going to be under the desk. Raven and Serenity like to be either in the chair or on the floor in the front of the office. Dylan loves to be under the desk.

Add any amount of stress to his day, and he is there.

When a dog picks you as their person, there is a level of commitment on both sides. Dylan protects me (sometimes from myself), and my job is to help him understand what is going on around him. Dylan lets me know he is confused about a situation (he cocks his head to the right and looks right at me, not in the challenging way dogs look at each other to ascertain who is dominant. But in the “dad figure this out.”

Today’s picture is Dylan in his cave!

Anyone can join the photo challenge. Point your camera, cellphone or ROV at something. Take a picture. Psot the picture and away you go!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!