
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 126

I do not know when I started collecting hats. I suspect it was many years ago. My first collection of hats was lost during a move (actually it was thrown away). Now I have a couple of boxes, and a couple of hat displays out. The first, the title picture, is of larger hats. The Cowboy hat is from my original hat collection. It was given to me by my parents right before I graduated from High School and has been with me ever since.

The rest of the hat tree is an Indiana Jones replica hat and my Disney hat!

I am also sharing today a picture of the baseball cap collection; I wear baseball caps every day when we walk. I also buy a baseball cap of places we go to on vacation. I have two different baseball cap collections on my doors outside my office. One is the French door for my office, the other on the closet door next to my office.

Anyone can join the photo challenge – post pictures seven days or less (old). Share a story, have fun! Post collections, pictures of dogs, or the sunset!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!