This is #329 of the 365-day photo challenge, and anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
I think this photo looks like it has a tornado style look to it. The black part in the style almost reminds me of a funnel cloud trying to form. What do you think, does it give you the impression of a funnel cloud sunset?
Image Credit-LaJenna
Wow! What a lovely sky!
Love it!!
Thank you alibb, glad you liked it.
That is an amazing photo perhaps it will turn to rain
Thank you RasmaSandra, and it did turn to rain.
tornadoes generally bring a more lead hued skyline
Bro I know it was not a tornado but the black part resembled a funnel to a small degree. Thank you!
Very interesting capture!
Yes, we did get a lot of rain a short time afterward. Thank you!
To quote the old saying – “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight”. That suggests that bad weather is unlikely to be on the way!
Yes, we did get bad weather after this happening in the sky. Thank you Indexer.
Perhaps it came from the opposite direction!
it looks like a horizontal tornado you are right!!!! so cool what a great capture!
ps whoop whoop keep going!
Thank you, Doc Anderson, for the nice comment.
you bet! I love the picture, the horizontal tornado will never touch down!
Looks like it is threatening to rain – quite bloomy though