Mother with Schizophrenia. Child suffering from schizophrenic parent being loved and hatred at the same time

Narcissists; their Cruelty is Implicit – Part 1

To begin, a Narcisst can be any gender, race, come from any socioeconomic status. They might appear to be charming, and nice so as to fool the public.

Once you learn their ‘language’  and appreciate that cruelty for them is pleasure, you can protect yourself.

The use of the word Implicit, in the title is used to signify that their cruelty is inherent. Everything is set, there is no accident. From the look on their face, to how they move, how they speak… especially the dichotomy between their words and actions.

The cruelty they exhibit is deliberate. It is designed to control and destroy their victims.

The way they manipulate a victim is psychologically and emotionally devastating, and sometimes dangerous.

Many victims suffer from PTSD when they escape their abuser, for this is how powerful the cruelty of a Narcissist is.

Masters of  manipulation, well-versed in sadism, they deliberately cut down their victims, sometimes this is called psychological or emotional rape.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


    • I know what you mean… that’s why you pick up ‘patterns’. For example; Narcissists will roll out the red carpet to get you in. Feed your ego, make you feel important. Then slowly, almost imperceptively, cut you down to pieces. And unless you are alerted, you don’t realise it happened.