Slinky (1989-01-01 0003_01)
01 Jan 1989
Chicago, Illinois
Pentax Super Program, SMC-Pentax 50/1.4, Auto-bounce-flash
Kodak Ektachrome 100 HC 125/8
Editing was done using ACDSee Ultimate 2019. I rotated the image slightly and cropped extraneous background.. Thenn I used the SmartErase tool to get rid of a couple of dust spots and the Clone tool to clean up the background. Then I increased the contrast, clarity and saturation, sharpened it a bit and lowered the noise.
Photo © 1989 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved
#stilllife #abstract #pattern #colors #toys #ACDSee
I remember playing with a Slinky growing up. We had stair steps that had a sharp turn and if you placed the Slinky just right it would make the turn and go all the way down to the kitchen. My Slinky was silver metal not like the colored plastic ones today.
The ones I had as a kid were metal also. The plastic ones came out around 1980. Unfortunately our house had no stairs.
The metal ones were so much better than the plastic and they did not fall apart so fast as the plastic ones. My young nieces and nephew had a few and a few trips down steps they was no spring in the Slinky.
Really? My kids had the plastic ones and they outlived their desire to play with them.
my siblings and I used to get them for xmas. we’d race them down the stairs
I used to love playing with them when I was a kid too.
they’re unexpectedly fun
Until they got all tangled up. 🙁
and became predictably less fun
That’s when I always got them and we did the same thing racing them down the stairs.
they were a staple of stocking stuffers
Thanks. I’m glad you liked it.
Wow, you are so creative. Love this one Gary!
I studied photography in college for one semester and we had to do photograms. You would put items on photographic paper and expose it to light for a few seconds. The shadows from the objects were recorded on the paper. Almost everyone in the class shared a Slinky to experiment with.
When my kids were young they had a couple of colored plastic Slinkys. I borrowed them to experiment with.
Very good stuff, thank you
Thanks. I’m glad you liked it.
That’s great stuff, man. Very nice.
Thanks, Howard. The photo is is actually 30 years old. I’m glad you enjoyed it.