If you’ve been following my Arabian Delights series, then you might recall I had some requests for a fortune teller. This is my initial attempt to make that happen, but it is in a very early and rough state at this time…
gypsy concept – WIP
Alex Ledante
13 Votes
1001 Arabian Nightsexoticfanservicefantasyfortune tellerGypsyorientpinupsexyWIP
Years ago there was a Russian film “The Tabor Goes to Heaven”. They love the colorful dresses. I prefer green in my favorite color.
I think you will just have to have 3 figures in this one, Alex, with red on one side, green on the other and a guy in the middle, wearing something that looks good with red and green (why am I thinking purple and gold?)
Love your green version more of the gypsy mystic. Now if you could get a gypsy caravan behind her you would have quite a masterpiece.
Wonderful Alex. I too dabble in drawing and coloring and often my mind can picture how things should be and what colors should come together.
I cannot help but wonder how old he was when he did that to you, LaJenna. But you don’t have to say.
I was old enough to know better still but young enough to get my hide tanned for it
RFLOL, Alex, thank you for clarifying that.
Not a problem, I don’t recall an actual age so I had to provide a range
I really love the detail in this, as well as your many others
thank you, kind sir! have you seen the update?
I will be checking it out, I’m slowly clearing out my notifications