it’s that time of year again- gotta get ready for Dia de los Muertos, Halloween and International Talk Like a Pirate day, so I am a busy boy. got a deadline for a DDLM show coming up, so I need to get to work…
Centoaph – WIP
Alex Ledante
11 Votes
angelcatrina makeupDay of the DeadDia de los MuertosfanservicegraveyardpinupsexywingsWIP
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Ileana knows about DOF. I agree with her. But I like the girl on the left, because the wing is gone with her on the right. Got to keep the wing.
May I ask a question?
You frequently try so many different things, what goes on around you that makes you open to trying so many different things?
I prefer cenotaph out of focus but it would be interesting for the girl to be placed to the right of the frame.
My decision not in yet. I can say forget the out of focus ones. The others have pluses and minuses. I like where I can see the figure and the tombstone completely.
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