
Love ItLove It

Between heaven and earth.

My paintings contain eternal contemplation about life and the meaning of existence.  I’m not the only one looking for these answers.

What is behind the gates of earthly life? Should we rejoice or be afraid? Where are the answers?

As a painter I have different answers. It’s up to you to continue with the search. The time of mystery: my vision of secrets.

Shadows, lights the knowledge of the future in the present. A strange, wonderful intersection in time and space.

My city of angels and eternal lights. Waiting for the envoy of the place for ever and ever. Where is?

And what’s the time? Only variable to measure our lives? When the time has no value for the measurement.

There exists a space new future. So I feel it in my soul and believe in the light. Light makes sense and gives life.

The past, present & future. It’s still. But what about other dimensions of the universe? How many are there?

It was, it is and will be. The unceasing desire to get a meaningful response …

Here, more for seekers …


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Paul Pulszartti