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National Cat Day

Today, Sunday October 29th is National Cat Day. At my house every day is cat day. If you own a cat, you know what I mean! They actually own you. I have two cats, Brendel and the Dude. Both rescues and have had Brendel five and the Dude three years. They look like they are fighting but only playing around.

National Cat Day was created to raise awareness of these amazing four legged creatures and encourage Americans all across the country to adopt a cat of their own.

What greater gift than the love of a cat. ~Charles Dickens

I have to agree with Charles Dickens.


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Cats are adorable!
    In my part of woods, people who own cats are not responsible for them. They let them roam the neighborhood, and use my garden as their litter box.

  2. This is the second article I read today about National Cat Day. We did not have a special day for it but by chance, I also posted about cats today. I think they deserve to have that special day as is the opinion of Charles Dickens.
