This is a type of Pohutakawa but the Pohutakawa tree blossoms in December, not July
Im not sure of the actual name but this bush was right outside Onehunga library today.
Thought it would be a good subject for colour crazy red and no it is not bottlebrush
Thank you for sharing that photo. I’ve never seen that plant before. The blooms are pretty and different.
Such beautiful blooms!
Thanks so much Ellie!
they look like tiny pompoms
Thanks indeed they do but not so fluffy. Thanks Alex!
it was the first place I went
It’s a beautiful tree, especially flowers. I see him for the first time.
Thanks so much Vidocka, pleased you like it.
I do not know the plant just has beautiful flowers, dear Pamela
Thanks so much Lado, glad you like this
I am very happy to see your posts, dear Pamela
These are stunning blooms, my neighbor grows these.
Thanks Carol, would your neighbour know the name?
in fact very beautiful flowers , Thank you for sharing
Thanks Witty Feeds, for the kind comments.
I have taken pictures of these before, and thought they were bottle brushes. Thank you for pointing out that there is a difference!
Thanks so much Kim, yes there is a difference…
Very bright and almost orange coloured. I have to agree with Grace (below comment) as these look like powder puffs although at first I though they were almost like thorns…
Yes, thanks History Gal, I will need to find out one day when I have time..
These are known as Calliandra. We call them powder puffs. I have two types in our garden.
Thanks so much Grace, I am pleased you know about it…