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What colors fit best to your home interior – choose the right color

The natural colors of nature – stones, wood, straw – are working for us soothing; our subconsciousness is safe, because during thousands of years of evolution the man was accustomed to these colors. Meanwhile, fluorescent, bright colors are not ordinary – they are created by civilizations, so it’s better not to abuse them at home, leave them to supermarkets and discotheques.

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Find out which colors and where best to use, how they affect our emotions and work ability.


Red is associated with passion, life, energy, warmth, optimism, aggression, determination, as well as danger and warning. After all, warnings and prohibited road signs are also painted in red. It is a stimulating sensation that increases the blood pressure. It improves the concentration. People in red rooms speak more, so red accents will be used in living rooms, halls. Use a red color when you’re lacking for a courage, inspiration, when you need to start something new when it comes to boredom. However, a large amount of red may cause headaches. If you are overworked, exhausted, you have a red color that can only irritate. In the red environment, people work faster, but make more mistakes. Red excess should be avoided in children’s rooms, in bedrooms, in the dining room, as it can promote insomnia.

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Pink is associated with romance, relaxation, but also with childhood, dreams, and lack of reality. It is not in vain that it is said that, while avoiding reality, we add pink glasses. In the bedroom, this color is much better than red, it promotes not only romantic relaxation, erotic, passion, but also helps to fall asleep faster. Pink and peach shades are perfectly suited for children’s rooms, baths, bedrooms. But the pink color is not very suitable in the kitchen, perhaps because it reminds uncooked, raw meat.

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The orange is associated with warmth, stability, communication, entrenchment, self-confidence. It promotes optimism and enthusiasm, but without red aggression. Great for meeting rooms where routine work predominates. It helps children to unfold, it is useful to people who experience shock, divorce, fear, because they reduce negative feelings. However, it is not suitable for small rooms, bedrooms, because this color reduces the volume and stimulates too much. It fits perfectly in dining rooms and living room, where people communicate, it stimulates appetite.

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Yellow is associated with energy, optimism, intelligence. Perfect for work rooms, because it stimulates brain activity. This color is also harmonious in dining rooms, kitchens and baths. It expands the space and turns the room into a lighter one, so use it yellow where small light falls in the rooms on the north side, in the corridors. However, it has been noticed that children often cry in yellow rooms, and their excess can create frustration and anger. In some cases, this color is troublesome. It is not advisable to decorate in yellow the bedrooms. But the golden color calms depression, encourages the forgiveness.

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Green is associated with nature, harmony, convenience, well-being because it is between red and blue. It is believed that this color reduces arterial pressure, helps to rebuild its strength, and therefore it is perfect for relaxing rooms in bedrooms. It is suitable for waiting rooms, rehabilitation rooms. In addition, this color is the most suitable for the eyes. This color can be used as a base for almost all rooms, of course, it is important to choose the right tone for it. Bright emerald shades will be great in the children’s rooms, but too much of this color can promote laziness, uncertainty and doubt.

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Blue is associated with intuition, peace, intellectualism, meditation, loyalty, authority.  This color reduces blood pressure and therefore targets people who have overweight. As the blue tones are soothing, it can be perfectly used in bedrooms and bathrooms. Having diets, sometimes in the refrigerators, add a blue light bulb as it lowers appetite. However, blue, especially dark shades, should avoid people who tend to be depressed, who had a loss as it encourages mourning. Children love the color of blue, but blue should be avoided in dining rooms, amusement places, unheated rooms. In a rainy climate it is advisable to use this color in moderation.

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Purple is associated with creativity, meditation, power, spirituality, aristocracy, magic, death and eroticism. This color is very effective, most suitable for meditation rooms, creative workshops. Light shades of purple can be painted in bedrooms and bathrooms. And the bright violet will not be suitable for chat rooms at all, where you need to work patiently, where the routine is important. The kings and bishops also loved this color, so where it is necessary to work for ordinary work and to get along with others, they can provoke conflicts, arrogance, and demonstration of their desires.

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Gray is associated with routine, simplicity, elderly, sadness and loss. It is a neutral color that should be combined with other colors, as it can promote boredom and giving in to other influences. Not suitable for children’s rooms. But the silver color soothes nerves. Grey color can be used in the bedrooms. It is believed that silver color creates erotic aura.

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Brown is associated with security, practicality, stability, conservatism. This color promotes control of feelings, encourages abstention, adhere to tradition. Brown flooring is a great choice because it symbolizes a solid foundation, people walking on the floor of this color, feel more stable. Brown hues are abundant in nature, so this color helps to feel the connection with the earth. This color can be used in living rooms, but brown will not please children. In addition, it slows down thinking, can lead to boredom, and deepen depression, so it would be desirable to turn brown work offices into stimulating thinking colors – red, yellow.

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White is associated with peace, purity, cleanness, peace. White are wearing doctors and brides. White encourages the removal of old things, purification, and refusal of what is not needed. It symbolizes death in east cultures. White extends the space, is suitable for small rooms. It is believed that white-painted rooms attract loneliness, isolation from others, and also give a sense of freedom, help to get rid of negative memories and start things again. This color is suitable for bathrooms and kitchens, corridors, halls.

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Black is associated with drama, mystery, sexuality, mourning, eccentricity, power. If you do not want your room to look like a Masonic lodge, it’s not advisable to use black color for the interior as the main one, it’s enough some details: furniture, shelves, dishes that will inspire and stimulate. It promotes independence, symbolizes rebellion, rock music. Too black can cause depression, disappointment and fear, encourage closure, and restrict yourself from the others.

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When you go to the symbolism of the colors, do not forget to listen to yourself. We are all different. Ones like bright colors, others like pastel, thirds like dark ones.


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Written by Fortune


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