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The Beautiful Blue Jays

Blue jays are large for songbirds, typically measuring between 9 and 12 inches long, and weighing between 2.5 and 3.5 ounces. Distinguishing characteristics of the blue jay include the pronounced blue crest on their heads, which the blue jay may lower and raise depending on its mood, and which will bristle outward when the bird is aggressive or frightened. Blue jays sport colorful blue plumage on their crest, wings, back and tail. Their face is typically white, and they have an off-white underbelly. They have a black-collared neck, and the black extends down the sides of their heads – their bill, legs, and eyes are also all black. Their wings and tail have black, sky-blue, and white bars. Male and female blue jays are nearly identical.

I put out whole peanuts and sunflower seeds on my deck bird feeder. The Blue Jays love the peanuts. They eat the seeds put go to the peanuts first. They will grab ‘n go. Take one and sometimes two whole peanuts in their mouths and fly away to a nearby tree to eat them. I love seeing these beautiful birds. This photo once again was taken from inside. I will eventually make my way outside to get better photos. I was shocked to see three at one time at the feeder. They are a gorgeous blue color and I hope to capture their beauty closer soon with my tripod on the deck.


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Written by Carol DM


  1. Great photo! I love nature and photography. I got a new camera and I was finally able to capture a few photos of the Eurasian jays around my home. I will post them soon. 🙂