Hey all, here are the answers to Monday’s Spot the Difference game found here: https://virily.com/entertainment/spot-the-difference-photo-game/
There were 20 differences in the edited photo.
Here is the original and answers.
The red boxes are things missing, the blue triangles are added things, and the green circles are things I changed.

And next is my edited version with the answers. You can see what I did.

The list: There are 9 missing objects.
1. Vent window on the top of the building, left frame.
2. The utility line shadows, left frame.
3. Pipe on building, right frame.
4. Oil Spots, left frame.
5. Black spot on rings of Saturn, right frame.
6. Brown line above Saturn, right frame.
7. Brown line above blue planet, left frame.
8. Flashing joining buildings, left frame.
9. White spots on Saturn, right frame.
There are 5 added things.
1. Utility line shadow on blacktop, left frame.
2. Meika (dog) added on top of building.
3. Spots on dog.
4. Green line on dog.
5. Orange star on suns forehead, left frame.
There are 6 changed objects.
1. Yellow planet is now blue.
2. Dogs head is bigger.
3. Black sky inside of Saturn ring is now blue. I forgot to put a green circle around it.
4. Pink stripe inside Saturn ring is longer.
5. Dogs tail is brown.
6. Dogs collar is now green.
I hope you all enjoyed this game.
I want to thank @CarolDM and @Deepizzaguy for participating!! I really enjoyed tweaking these photos!

And I enjoy playing along, it is great for your brain!
This reminds me of the magazine that used to be in the doctors office when I was a kid. Can not remember the name of it for the life of me.
Highlife magazine, we had it sent to the house. : )