Hello there. For today we have selected some interesting tips which are useful and they will help you to know what to feed your guinea pig. Guinea pigs are adorable little creatures full of fun and energy, ready to make your day beautiful. But, at first we must be sure that our guinea pig get all the right nutrients, vitamins and fibre are crucial to their overall well being. So don’t waste time and look at these tips below. Enjoy and feel free to vote for your favorite photo.
Poisonous to Guinea Pigs
What to Avoid Feeding Your Guinea Pigs
Water Bottles and Guinea Pigs?
Guinea pigs need to have constant access to fresh clean water. Water bottles with metal spouts are great but you need to make sure your guinea pigs know how to use them. The bottles need to be checked everyday and refilled with fresh, clean water. Guinea pigs drink around 100 to 200 ml of water per kg of bodyweight every day.
Guinea Pigs Need Extra Vitamin C
Things Your Guinea Pigs Need
- Your pets need constant access to good quality grass or hay and this means both day and night.
- You need to offer about a teacup of fresh greens to each of your guinea pigs every day – so they get all the nutrients and vitamins out of them.
- You need to feed your guinea pigs some good quality guinea pig nuggets.
Greens ideal for your guinea pig
Try to feed different greens to your pets every day but make sure they are suitable for guinea pigs to eat. Such greens can be:
- Beetroot(not the leaves or the stalks),
- Broccoli,
- Cabbage,
- Carrots,
- Cauliflower,
- Corn-on-the-cob(the whole cob),
- Cucumber,
- Kale,
- Peas,
- Spinach,
- Sprout tops,
- Sugar snaps,
- Swede.
Sometimes Fruit Is A Good Idea
Fruit should only be given in small quantities as a treat because it has too much sugar in it. The list below shows the type of fruit you can offer your pets but only in very small amounts as reward or occasional treat:
- Apples,
- Bananas,
- Grapefruit,
- Grapes (Seedless),
- Strawberries,
- Gooseberries,
- Kiwi fruit,
- Mango,
- Melon,
- Orange,
- Pear,
- Tangerine.