At the end of the movie “Teachers,” a student pulls the fire alarm. The students all leave the building, with the teachers. They mill around, and then there is the all-clear. At that point one of the teachers begins to rush back into the building. The principal stops him, “why are you in a hurry.” He says (loosely I paraphrased) “The teacher responds “because my students are going in.” The principal looks at him and says “but ½ will not come back. They are already gone.” The teacher says something along the lines of “I am there for the ones that do.” I am here for those of you that are still posting, still commenting and fighting for this site. You are my heroes, and you deserve a pat on the back.
No, this is not me saying to the last person on the site, “hey, hit the light, son your way out the door. This is me saying thank you! I shared a great quote about the crazy ones. We are the crazy ones. But we have built a fantastic community. I will, however, continue to be here. My dad and grandfather taught me at an early age that the most important thing to do the right thing. Even if the right thing is hard, do the right thing. Yes, it is tough to watch something I have put a lot of time and effort into dying. I felt horrible when the site was chaotic, and lots of angry comments were thrown around. I was saddened by the reality of people not getting along.
I know that I find myself often wondering what’s next. It is a part of my job. I know that within that context, it is always essential to make sure you understand clearly where you are before you lose touch with that and head off to the great beyond! We sadly, still do not have consistent approvals. We haven’t had comments visible (you can see the number, just not the comments) for eight days. The situation saddens me, but I send a message to the admins every day. I am still bailing water from our boat. Many of you are still bailing water. I am still hopeful that the ship will turn around. I do not know that it can or will. I am just hoping that all is not lost!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
it is ok to never quit!
Question of
the first time I felt lost was also the last time I felt lost, and well it just won’t go away~!
Maybe the boat, had holes in it from the start, and the Admin were never the right ones to patch them up. They have been trying hard, but now there is just too many holes, not enough Admin staff to bail the water out fast enough, and just too much water is left in the sinking boat now for it to ever recover.
(I was not sure if this posted or not)
I’ve been too long in a sinking ship.
I am staying on this site since tasartcraft is no longer on the site
Don’t lose hope, don’t give up
Well I agree. I am still here also even though it is just commenting. BTW my cataract surgery is booked for the 25th September. But our region is now in ghe orange section when it comes to COVID, so it just still might be cancelled. I am keeping my fingers crossed… Keep on trucking Doc and so will I…
Doc I am still thinking but hey, next week with no pending writing jobs and just hanging in here what good will it do me?