Nature does many miracles. Some we are aware of, others we are not. This is one of the miracles. I am seldom lucky to be able to see this miracle. It’s a rainbow.
The rainbow is formed when the sun is in the sky, and at the same time, it must also rain. So the rainbow is formed at the moment when the sun manages to penetrate the clouds during the rain and shines on the rain cloud. Then the rainbow appears in the rain opposite the sun, so it is formed in the morning in the west and in the afternoon in the east.
A rainbow can also form near a fountain or a waterfall irradiated by the sun.
Have you seen a rainbow lately?
Maybe a week ago I saw a rainbow..Always nice to see them.
You are right. I would love to see the rainbow multiple times.
Yes, we need more of nature’s wonders to help solve what is going on
You are right. I hope we get another miracle.
Wow, that’s such a magical capture!
Thank you, Ellie. I really managed a beautiful shot.
the refraction of light into the spectrum, a rainbow!
I love to see them, of course, I wish to find the end of the Rainbow, for there is hidden the pot of gold!
I would also like to find the end of the rainbow. But I doubt I have enough luck. 😊
i have not had enough luck to do so yet, but I believe I can do so someday!
I’ve seen it quite often in the last two weeks. It rained and there were conditions to appear.
You are lucky. I see the rainbow very rarely.
That’s pretty.
I never remember to look up. I must get into this habit now.
Thank you. I usually miss this wonderful scene.
Gorgeous! I actually saw one a few days ago. Hard to get photos sometimes.
I agree. I managed to get a photo of the rainbow three times.
That is excellent, I always see them as magical.