I was very happy since this is the time of year we usually do not get to see a sunrise. We are usually clouded in fog in the mornings and late afternoon. It’s been so thick over night that it looks like it has rained over night most nights.
Not last night! With that polar vortex that is currently traveling across the United States it just misses us, but we are affected in a different way. A most pleasing way. It is keep the marine layer at bay so to speak and hanging out in the water and not on land.
Sunrise it is. Here was today’s.
#1 First click.
We did have a problem last night over night. The dogs alerted that a coyote had come over the 10 foot high fence and brought down a post. You can see the top part of the fence on the bottom left. I have a regular chain link 6 ft fence, and then I put chicken wire on top of that. The coyotes usually dont bother to try to jump in because the top is so flimsy and they cannot quite clear it with one of their bouncy hops. One tried.
Those coyotes can be scary. What a lovely view Kim.
The cats sure think so Carol. Of course mine wont go out at coyote time, even with the high fence that keeps them out, I thought anyway.
Never seen a coyote but they must be a pest..
That is one animal you wouldnt want to get established there. Boy, that would be bad. Yes, that is the best way to describe them in one word. Pest.