
Love ItLove It

Monday Macro

It is the season when the blooms turn into fruits, The birds and bats are happy and clustering around these trees in the heat of the afternoon and the dark of the night. This Jamaican Cherry tree, strawberry tree or the Munitingia Calbura tree has tiny red cherries which smell like cotton candy and taste as sweet. Locally no one picks these fruits, but birds and bees abound around these trees.

The fruits are very tiny, about a cm in circumference but they do smell heavenly. When they are ripe , these fruits do not fail to turn your head towards the tree even if you have no clue what tree it is. Bats haunt these trees at night. This beautiful little tree which grows to a height of 20 feet has neat umbrella like shape. The branches with thick foliage arch down. low making it easy for people to pick the fruit.

Parrots and Sunbirds love these trees. Our rescued Alexandrian parrot, Xerxes who has now got a beautiful home used to love these fruits. We used to collect these fruits to train him when he was with us.

This fruit world over is made into jams,  jellies and tarts.  However, we neither eat them nor cook them, these beauties are for the birds. Children love to pick them off the branches and eat them, but with bats around we do not encourage children to eat them anymore.

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11 Points

Written by Dawn


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  1. How interesting. I have never seen nor heard of it. Fabulous, cotton candy. How awesome is that. I love how you explain things. Its like being there. I can almost look up and see those bats flitting around at night. Another tree I need to read about I see, so thank you! What a great shot too.

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