I got a picture of this curious little cuckoo (a female) during one of my walks. She seemed to be curiously looking at a bunch of crows fighting over something on the ground.
While I walk in the park I am almost always looking up into the trees, I ask hubby to watch out for me. I am so keen on taking pictures and spotting birds that I almost always trip and hubs comes to my rescue to stop me from falling. I must look like the craziest woman there because most walkers are walking like they are in a race. I go strolling along with my heavy camera in hand and my eyes on the trees.
Sometimes people give me those weird glances, but it doesn’t bother me any more. I do what I came to do and let them do what they came there for. My walks are slow paced, mostly focused on enjoying the beauty of the scenes, watch birds and critters and take pictures too.
I like to make the best of what I have. My mission on Earth is to live life to the fullest.
Some of my other posts on birds you may like
Question of
Do you believe in making the best of your life?
I am not so sure
Question of
Living life to the fullest is a philosophy worth adopting – right?
Not so sure
My belief system is a little unclear right now. Too much turmoil in the world.
Hmm.. I guess belief systems do get disturbed when we are going through difficult times . Sending you good wishes and prayers.
what a beautiful bird capture!
You have asked a question I have been pondering for the past week. capturing life and seizing the day.
I am glad that you’ve been pondering over those questions yourself. They are worth pondering about and acting on. Sending you good wishes.
thank you for the good wishes. Best wishes for this holiday season to you!
Cuckoos come here mainly for the Noni fruit. There are plenty of them here. As you know we have several birds that come mainly for the bird bath.
Do those birds in your photo collection visit your garden too?
No Grace, since I don’t have big trees or bushes on my terrace they don’t come here. Most of these pictures were taken in the park or from my apartment where I lived earlier, there we had a huge sacred fig tree in our premises.
At this moment I hear chirping. They have come to grab pepper which is getting ready for harvest (lol)
We see them during Feb-May especially during Mango Blossom. I have two trees of mangoes back in India and I enjoy (some times even disturbed) by their Kuh-kuhu early in the morning. Nice capture of the bird but take care… you might hit a passerby even if your hubby is taking care of them for you.
I didn’t know they were fond of mango blossoms. Now I will look for them in the mango tree in season.
I don’t usually walk in the runners lane. So no chance of tripping anyone. Besides hubs always pushes me around LOL.
Those are such wonderful looking birds. I love taking photos of birds when I can.
Thank you Sandra, it is so much fun watching them and then getting them digitally immortalized.
Such a beautiful bird! I experience the same when I am out to take photos. Some people even like to make comments, but I don’t care.
That’s my girl, don’t let them push your buttons.
Yeah, it’s their problem they can’t see the beauty in the small things. 🙂
I love learning about all types of birds.
I hope my posts introduce you to some new birds that you haven’t seen before.
That’s a great picture, dear friend
Thank you Lado, hope you are having a wonderful day.