Robin Biznis September 17.2019 Belgrade, Serbia
You can make yogurt alone at home or shop at any better-supplied grocery store.If you want to make it yourself you need milk and shopping yogurt.We heat the milk so that we can keep our finger in it for about 3 seconds.
Then, spoon two tablespoons of yogurt in warmed milk and cover the bowl with a clean kitchen cloth.We leave overnight and have our yogurt tomorrow. No salt, no sugar, no additives.Totally healthy food.
Yogurt is a very useful food and a good natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.
Here are some: heart and blood vessel diseases, diet regimens, menopause in women, osteoporosis, digestive aids, etc.It can also be used as a face mask, removes tiny wrinkles and dead cells, you can clean objects from brass to shine again.
Kids can use it more easily if you add some seasonal fruit and one small spoonful of honey.Simple food, accessible to everyone, inexpensive and so much to use.
Question of
Did you know that Yogurt is originally from Bulgaria?
Question of
Did you know that the word “yogurt” is derived from the Turkish word meaning “sour milk”.
I love yogurt. That’s why it’s on my menu every day.
Thnk you very much for comment.
It is very good for you. I love it.
Thank you very much.
It’s weird that some languages have the letter y in their alphabet, while some languages use the letter j instead of a y.
How many people use it. So it is with languages. For example, we are Serbian.
His inventor Vuk Karadzic told us the epic “Write as you speak and read as written.
We have 30 letters. Each letter has its own hair. Simply.
But that is why grammar for foreigners and for us is very difficult.
Thank you grace, probably called different depending on where one lives.
I cannot handle the taste of yogurt, not a milk drinker wither. But enjoy!
Thank you Carol.
It may help others who don’t mind.
Thanks, Robin, it is a staple of the diet as we get older. Yogurt is a great aid in the digestion of food!
Thank you very much Doc.
You confirm what is known about yogurt as food, and you add that it is just the right food for the elderly, due to osteoporosis of course.
didn’t even think about the calcium!!! Good point Robin!!!!!
I used to make yogurt using a type of Tibetan mushrooms.
I would like to know more about this, especially as I think mushrooms are valuable in treating some, even the most serious, diseases.
We do not have mushroom-based yogurt in Serbia.
You can find more about Tibetan Mushroom here:
We call it curds and make it at home.
Thank you very much grace.