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European Geography Quiz

Europe is the smallest of the world’s continents, so surely there just can’t be that much to know about it.—Right?

Arguably, Europe isn’t even a real continent, but rather a western appendage on Asia, like a raggedy tail to Asia’s dog. Encompassing less than four million square miles, and fewer than 750 million inhabitants, any quiz about Europe will be a walkover.—Or will it?!

There’s only one way to find out. Do share with us your results 🙂

  • Question of

    What is the largest country in Europe?

    • Ukraine
    • Germany
    • Belarus
    • Russia
  • Question of

    Which country is famous for the many fjords on its coastline?

    • Iceland
    • Norway
    • Denmark
    • Switzerland
  • Question of

    What is the longest river in Great Britain?

    • Severn
    • Thames
    • Shannon
    • Tyne
  • Question of

    The smallest country in the world is in Europe. Which is it?

    • San Marino
    • Liechtenstein
    • Vatican
    • Andorra
  • Question of

    Which country contains the greatest number of lakes?

    • Finland
    • Italy
    • Latvia
    • Malta
  • Question of

    Which of the following countries is entirely surrounded by Italy?

    • Andorra
    • Liechtenstein
    • Luxembourg
    • San Marino
  • Question of

    Which of the following has a land border with only one other country?

    • Liechtenstein
    • Andorra
    • Estonia
    • United Kingdom
  • Question of

    Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory, having a land border with which country?

    • Portugal
    • Spain
    • Cyprus
    • Greece
  • Question of

    Which body of water is linked to the Mediterranean though the Bosporus?

    • Caspian Sea
    • Irish Sea
    • Black Sea
    • White Sea
  • Question of

    Andorra is a landlocked microstate situated in which mountain range?

    • Carpathians
    • Alps
    • Dolomites
    • Pyrenees
  • Question of

    Is the island of Malta an independent state?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Which is the easternmost country of the European Union?

    • Romania
    • Cyprus
    • Finland
    • Lithuania
  • Question of

    The island of Corsica is part of Italy: true or false?

    • False
    • True
  • Question of

    Which country shares a land border with Russia?

    • Norway
    • Sweden
    • Romania
    • Moldova
  • Question of

    Which country refers to itself as Ísland?

    • Ireland
    • Cyprus
    • Iceland
    • Malta
  • Question of

    What is the capital city of Belarus?

    • Kiev
    • Lvov
    • Minsk
    • Pinsk
  • Question of

    Belgrade is the capital of…

    • Croatia
    • Serbia
    • Bosnia-Herzegovina
    • Scotland
  • Question of

    The North Sea lies between

    • Sweden and Poland
    • Ireland and Britain
    • Germany and Britain
    • Switzerland and Russia
  • Question of

    The capital of the United Kingdom is

    • York
    • Edinburgh
    • Belfast
    • London


What do you think?

20 Points


  1. I went for the easy quiz, 17/19. ?
    Some Corsicans feel Italian, it’s heart-warming. ? (I’m Italian, of course)
    San Marino wants to have some coast so badly. They used to have coasts, otherwise their name wouldn’t make sense, as it has to do with the sea.

    • Egads indeed! I can gloat, but I have a suspicion that if I attempted a similar quiz about North America I’d score similarly 🙂 Setting up these quizzes is itself an education, and I certainly know many facts I didn’t a couple of weeks back! Thanks for playing, Kim 🙂